Psychiatric Second Opinion & Consults in California

Are you unsure about a diagnosis or treatment recommendation?

Psychiatric Second Opinions Consultations

Finding Clarity. Finding Relief

You aren’t sure if your diagnosis or your treatment plan is correct.

You are taking the medications and attending therapy, but the treatment is just not matching your expectations.

You’re struggling with side effects that feel unbearable, but you don’t know if there are other options out there that can fit your needs.

Let’s Take a Second Look

You have heard about some lifestyle changes and supplements that could help, but you aren’t sure where to start.

You're ready to delve a little deeper and get more detailed answers regarding your options.

Our Approach

We will do a thorough review of your medical and psychiatric history to explore what has been tried.

We will collaborate on better understanding your lifestyle and understanding the obstacles that get in the way of living towards your values.

Then we can determine if you have the correct diagnosis because this can change our treatment options.

We will review the recommendations and explain the risks and benefits associated with your options.

If you are ready to get a second opinion, book a consult today

Reproductive Psychiatry Consultations

Pregnant woman standing after getting a second opinion from reproductive psychiatrist to treat her mood symptoms

Pregnant but not sure if you should continue your treatment.

You trust your doctor, but just want to double check that what you are receiving is safe for you and your baby.

You don’t want to stop cold turkey, but don’t think you want to take medication during your pregnancy.

Reproductive Psychiatry Can Help

We will spend time discussing your past medical and psychiatric history to get clarity regarding safety to continue or discontinue your current treatment.

We will collaborate with healthcare providers during your pregnancy to make sure you are getting the support you need.

We can also take some time to explore holistic options such as nutritonal supplements that can support you on your journey to motherhood and emotional well-being. For additional information regarding Reproductive Integrative Psych check out this page.

You can return to your psychiatrist if you want and Dr. Greenlee can share her recommendations.

If you’re ready to get some extra support, book a consultation today!